Tag Archives: salmon

Standing Sushi Bar @ Queens Street

23 Jan

I don’t deny that I’m a very typical Singaporean who loves promotions/sales/discounts – especially when it comes to food! So recently, I chanced upon this $3 salmon sashimi promotion (5 slices) on Standing Sushi Bar’s FB page and I quickly set up a date with 2 girlfriends (who are foodies like me) for a salmon feast!




And we weren’t disappointed! The salmon sashimi were really fresh and generous with thick soft and almost melt-in-the-mouth kinda texture. In the end… we ordered 30 friggin pieces to share, for just 3 of us and not forgetting the tasty beef sukiyaki! Perfect for the chilly weather nowadays actually. Due to the dark environment (and dark soup), the picture turned out quite nasty! 😦 But anyhoo…

Catch the salmon promo while you can! Details in the banner below. 😉


Credits to Standing Sushi Bar

Standing Sushi Bar
8 Queen Street
(Just besides Food for Thought)



Salmon basil spaghetti

6 Dec

Simple dish that needs very little preparation but comes with huge satisfaction!

What I used:

– Fresh salmon, diced: marinated with salt & leave in the fridge for 2-3 hours
– Sweet Basil leaves
– Barilla tomato-based pasta sauce
– 3 cloves garlic
– 1 small diced onion
– 1 whole tomato diced
– (MUST!) Barilla spaghetti
– Mozarella cheese (diced)
– Tapioca starch
– Borges Extra Virgin Olive oil

salmon basil pasta

salmon basil spaghetti


Something that I learnt about cooking the pasta to al dente texture is to constantly stir the pasta and to add salt when the water starts boiling. When I see that the colour of the yellow pasta turned paler, i’ll quickly try 1 strand and turn off the fire.

To start, heat up the saucepan and add virgin olive oil and the onion & garlic and fry for a few min until garlic turns brown. Add the basil leaves, tomatoes and fry in low heat. Toss the salmon in tapioca starch and fry together with the vegetables. When they are almost cooked, I added the Barilla pasta sauce. The smell of basil leaves is just heavenly at this point in time!

Add salt, cracked black pepper, worcester sauce to the mixture, let it cook for a while more and add the pasta to the sauce. Viola!

I even helped myself to a second helping before I sleep. Heh.